About the IEEE VT-S Propagation Committee

Our Mission

To encourage and foster collaboration between researchers, developers and practitioners in the area of propagation and channel modelling.

Our Vision

To be the first place to turn when one is seeking opportunities to engage or collaborate in the area of propagation and channel modelling.

Our Strategy

To encourage and foster:

  • presentation of propagation tutorials at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conferences
  • presentation of an annual distinguished lecture tour on radiowave propagation
  • development of rationalized propagation models
  • creation of web-based propagation resources
  • preparation of a selected reprint volume
  • outreach to both industry and other IEEE Societies

Our People

Chair: Prof. David G. Michelson, University of British Columbia

Dr. Saeed S. Ghassemzadeh, AT&T Labs - Research

Prof. David W. Matolak, Ohio University

Robert Shapiro, Senior Manager - Land Mobile Radio Systems Engineering, EADS North America

Prof. Ted Rappaport, University of Texas - Austin

Tom Rubinstein, Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, Motorola

Dr. Yann Le Helloco, Chief Technology Officer, Mentum

Dr. Yves Lostanlen, Vice President and Wireless CTO, Siradel

Dr. Harry R. Anderson, President, PHYwave, Inc.

Contact Us

For more information about the committee, please contact Prof. Dave Michelson, davem@ece.ubc.ca.

Our General Mailing List

Members of the wireless community are encouraged to participate in our general discussion list. For details, please see http://www.robomod.net/mailman/listinfo/propagation-list.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

UBC Radio Science Lab
2356 Main Mall, Room 4034,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.822.3544
Fax: 604.822.5949
E-mail: david.michelson@ubc.ca

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