To encourage and foster collaboration between researchers, developers and practitioners in the area of propagation and channel modelling.
To be the first place to turn when one is seeking opportunities to engage or collaborate in the area of propagation and channel modelling.
To encourage and foster:
Chair: Prof. David G. Michelson, University of British Columbia
Dr. Saeed S. Ghassemzadeh, AT&T Labs - Research
Prof. David W. Matolak, Ohio University
Robert Shapiro, Senior Manager - Land Mobile Radio Systems Engineering, EADS North America
Prof. Ted Rappaport, University of Texas - Austin
Tom Rubinstein, Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, Motorola
Dr. Yann Le Helloco, Chief Technology Officer, Mentum
Dr. Yves Lostanlen, Vice President and Wireless CTO, Siradel
Dr. Harry R. Anderson, President, PHYwave, Inc.
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